BUREAU D’ETUDE GEOLOGIQUE ET ENVIRONNEMENTALE (BEGE-RDC) La géologie au service du développement durable

Water resources management services and hydrogeological expertises

BEGE-RDC offers a range of water resource management services and hydrogeological expertise aimed at promoting sustainable water use and protecting water resources. These services and expertise contribute to the sustainable management of water resources in the DRC, ensuring water security and supporting the well-being of local communities.

Water Resource Management Services

  1. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM):
    • BEGE-RDC employs IWRM principles to manage water resources holistically.
    • This approach ensures the sustainable use of water resources by considering the needs of various stakeholders and integrating the management of water, land, and related resources to maximize economic and social welfare without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.
    • Activities: developing river basin management plans, coordinating with various stakeholders, including government agencies, local communities, and private sector entities, Implementing policies and practices that promote sustainable water use.
  2. Water Quality Monitoring:
    • They conduct regular water quality assessments to ensure safe and clean water for all uses, including drinking, agriculture, and industry.
    • This includes sampling and analyzing water from various sources, dentifying and mitigating sources of pollution, and providing recommendations for improving water quality.
  3. Water Supply and Sanitation:
    • BEGE-RDC works on improving access to clean water and sanitation facilities in communities.
    • This involves the development and maintenance of water supply systems and sanitation infrastructure, educating community on hygiene practices.
  4. Flood Management:
    • They develop and implement strategies to manage and mitigate the impacts of floods which are common in this region.
    • This includes early warning systems through the development of spatial model of flood susceptibility and risk maps zoning, community preparedness programs, and infrastructure improvements.
  5. Community Engagement and Education:
    • BEGE-RDC engages local communities in water management projects and provides education on sustainable water use practices.
    • This helps build local capacity and promotes community ownership of water resources.

Hydrogeological Expertise

  1. Groundwater Exploration and Management:
    • BEGE-RDC conducts hydrogeological surveys to identify and assess groundwater resources.
    • This includes planning the drilling boreholes by identifying the area with high groundwater potential using GIS and remote sensing, monitoring groundwater levels, and developing sustainable groundwater management plans.
  2. Hydrogeological Mapping:
    • They use GIS and remote sensing technologies to create detailed hydrogeological maps to understand the distribution and movement of ground water resources, mapping the ground water potential zones, and mapping the water vulnerability zones.
    • These maps help in understanding the distribution and movement of groundwater resources.
  3. Aquifer Recharge and Management:
    • BEGE-RDC works on projects to enhance the recharge of aquifers and manage groundwater extraction sustainably.
    • This includes the guidance on the construction of recharge structures such as infiltration bassin and the implementation of water conservation practices.
  4. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs):
    • They conduct EIAs to evaluate the potential impacts of development projects on water resources.
    • This helps in making informed decisions and implementing mitigation measures to protect water resources.
    • This is done by conducting baseline studies to assess current water conditions, identifying potential impacts of proposed projects on water resources, and recommending mitigation measures to minimize negative impacts.
  5. Research and Development:
  • The BEGE-RDC is involved in research projects aimed at improving the understanding of hydrogeological processes and developing innovative solutions for water resource management.

Date de dernière mise à jour : 16/09/2024